Taxi Rates

Cross Dales Taxis have 4 seater and 8 seater taxis available to hire, each at a different price per mile travelled. We also offer set prices for all UK airports and sea ports. Use the tool below to get a price. Alternatively, if you can’t find the location you are looking for or just want to talk to us you can get in touch here.

Which rates apply?

The rates shown are an indication of the meter rate set by Derbyshire Dales District Council. If unsure, please get in contact with us here.

Journey Start Time 7am-11pm 11pm-7am
Up to 4 people Monday – Saturday Rate 1 Rate 2
Up to 4 people Sunday & Bank Holidays Rate 2 Rate 2
From 5-8 people Monday – Saturday Rate 2 Rate 3
From 5-8 people Sunday & Bank Holidays Rate 3 Rate 3

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